Thursday, January 10, 2013

My One Word for 2013

Hi Friend! Happy 2013!

Here we go - another year and another One Word to choose. Yay!

Guess I haven't been very faithful sharing about my One Word choices the last couple of years. Boo!

Actually, I regret that I haven't documented all  the One Word lessons and blessings that I've experienced concerning TRUST (2011) and PEACE (2012).

This year my plan is to blog once a month specifically about my One Word journey. Hopefully, each month I'll have more to share than just that to talk about. After all, I have been told I have the "gift of gab".

Sooooo ........

.......  my One Word choice for 2013 is .....

without drama or suspense ~

 Thanks to sweet Melanie, over at Only A Breath,  I have a super cute graphic. 

The reason I chose this word is because I plain don't know where I'm going.

What's next at this point in my life's story?
What's my purpose?
What do I need to do to fulfill all that God created me to be?

And guess what - I don't really have a plan.

Scary huh?

I mean me being the Official Family Planner {OFP} you'd think I should have at least a hint to where I'm going.

Yea, probably. But I really don't. 

So, this year I'm gonna - FOLLOW

I believe this is the perfect "next step". I can't imagine another word choice.

I want the Lord to lead me in His ways, along His path and according to His perfect will for my life.

So friend, my word is follow and my prayer is this ~

Show me your ways, Lord,
    teach me your paths.

Guide me in your truth and teach me,
    for you are God my Savior,
    and my hope is in you all day long.

Psalm 25:4-5

 That's right friend, all day long -  24/7.   365 days for 2013. Whoopee!!!!!! 
BTW - I'm linking up

here with Melanie


here with Bonnie


  1. I love your transparency of not knowing where you're going. Follow makes perfect sense! And it probably gives you an advantage over those of us who THINK we know where we're headed!

  2. Epiphany is my word for 2013. I'm excited to see God revealed in new ways as the year unfolds.

  3. Sheryl ~ glad you stopped by and I love it when others leave a comment. I can't wait to see where He leads and I look forward to sharing. :)

  4. Jon ~ thanks for stopping by. Epiphany is an awesome word!

  5. LOVE your word! Thanks for sharing! God bless you on your 2013 journey! ;-)

  6. Debbie, what an exciting year as God places "follow" on your heart. Thanks for sharing this special moment, first steps on your faith journey with us in the faith jam! Appreciate you!

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