So, today I'm linking up with Bonnie over at Faith Barista for her weekly Faith Jam.
Yep! Thursdays are the day to join in the fun and get a fresh shot of faith.
Bonnie gets the ball rolling by inviting us to stop by and join her in discussing {bloggy land style of course} her writing prompt of the week. It may be a question, thought, word or topic. Her only rule is to "keep it real". I love that about her. Stop by Faith Barista some time and you'll see what I mean. She writes from her heart and always keeps it real.
So this week's prompt is:
"How is God calling you to become the Beloved?"
Well, to be honest I haven't really thought about it. Hmmmm.......
Is God calling me? Ummmm.......
I know Jesus as my Savior. And well, ......
Oh my! I get it!
Yes, I guess He is calling me.
There's a song we used to sing in church a lot and I never really understood or "felt" the first line:
"As the deer panteth for the water,
So my soul longeth after Thee."
The song is based on Psalm 42:1 ~
"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God."
But, right now, I am thirsty for Him. He is calling me to a deeper walk with Him.
I have a deep desire in my soul, down in my spirit, to feel His presence. To hear Him speak to my heart. To know His love deeper than ever before.
To be His beloved.
I believe that's why He has guided me to choose FOLLOW as my One Word this year.
What girl wouldn't follow her beloved wherever he leads?!
Beautiful your word for the year...follow. God bless. Stopping by from Bonnies cyber home.
ReplyDeleteLove your word for 2013. May you follow in faith and with great joy!