Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lowering My Nets Like Simon Peter

Hey there sweet friend!

OK, so no, I'm not feeling called by God to start fishing. Thank you Jesus.
Except for an occasional tuna salad sandwich I don't like to eat fish.

Today is Thursday! That means it's blog hop day!  Yay!

Those of us that have blogs and are participating in Proverbs 31 Ministries OBS (Online Bible Study) choose one of the topics for the week and write about it. I've only been able to be a part of the first week's hop and I'm so happy to be doing it again.

Here's the fun topic I chose:
Lower Your Nets – Simon Peter had no idea that his obedience to something that seemed so small and insignificant could help him discover his calling in life, but it did! What little thing is God asking of you today?

Actually, I do have a few "nets" that the Lord has asked me to lower.

Lowering my nets = obeying what Jesus is telling me to do or not to do as the case may be.

Net number one -
time with God is first each morning.
No more jumping on Facebook first thing in the morning. Not even for a quick peek.
Yea right. Just a "quick peek". *smirk*
We all know how those two minutes of FB time is like thirty minutes real time.
It ends with me thinking: "Oh my! No time for Bible reading or prayer." And praying: "Sorry Jesus. I gotta go shower. We'll chat as I drive to work. oh-kay?"

Net number two -
limit the number of blogs I follow.
I recently subscribed to follow another blog. This one is focused on writing and being a writer. What harm could there be? However, as soon as I hit the subscribe-by-email button something felt wrong. Maybe even a bit stinky. I guess like eating a bad piece of fish? {I wouldn't really know since, again, I don't eat fish} This is a perfectly fine blog which I enjoyed visiting. Maybe I'd learn a few tricks so I won't struggle with my own writing here in blogland. Honestly, sometimes it feels like I've been trying for hours and not caught written a thing. Yet for some reason, I felt the Lord telling me to unsubscribe. Just a little thing? Yes, maybe. Only God knows for sure. All I know is that as soon as I hit the unsubscribe button my yukky feeling subsided.

Net number three -{I wonder how many nets Simon Peter had} one OBS at a time please.
The same day I subscribed to the writer dude's blog, I signed up to be a part of a mini-online Bible study. What?! Am I crazy? Again, I felt a nudge in my spirit that this was not what Jesus wanted me to be doing. And so I hit that unsubscribe button once again. It's for the best - I mean since you can only steer one boat at a time, I figured one OBS at a time is enough to navigate through as well. Plus, I'm learning some amazing things through this Bible study and want to stay focused on it. I wouldn't want to be distracted by some pretty little fish in the bloggy sea.

Net number four -
To be honest with you friend, this net I've not lowered yet. I'm holding onto it and keeping it right here in my boat. You see I just need to be sure before tossing it overboard. But I think Jesus& is asking me to give up the dream for my "Miss Maribel's Place" esty shop. Yep, I may end up letting that net sink down, never to be seen again. For now I'm asking for confirmation from the Lord.

So you can see I've been busy lowering my nets like Simon Peter. Like him, some of what I've done seems small and insignificant. Maybe even a bit silly.  I'm fine with that.

You see friend, I'm following the One who loves me like no other and living each day with true joy and anticipation for what He will do in my life.

There's no better way to live the life we're given!
 Love ya friend,


  1. Love it Debbie! Your list is great - not silly at all. Those simple little steps may seem insignificant to someone, but to God, you obeying in them is everything. Who know what will come of them, but one thing I do know? It will be good. Thanks for linking up and sharing your acts of obedience with us all. I'm praying for God to direct you with your last net listed.
    Blessings to you,
    Katrina Wylie (FB small group leader)

    1. Thanks for stopping by and letting me know you were here. I appreciate both your encouragement and prayers. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Debbie--
    I loved your list! I felt like you were in my head listening to my random thoughts about what God is asking me to surrender to Him. Your obedience is beautiful and it really encouraged me. Thank you for reminding me about the necessity of even the smallest steps. I think you are doing the right thing in taking that last net before God. You have shown obedience in the other items--I know He will lead you in this area, as well.

    p.s. I also had a tremendous craving for a Tuna salad sandwich as soon as I started reading :)

    1. Hi Sandy! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on this post. Love it when we share what the Lord is doing in our lives and it encourages someone else. I've been encourage many times by that - shoot! lots and lots of times in this OBS alone from what Lysa has shared. Thanks again for stopping by. Hope you got your tuna salad sandwich. :)


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