Monday, July 26, 2010

Bliss defined

Yes, today is the day I announce the winner of my giveaway. Yea!!

But, before we get to that I wanted to gab a little about BLISS. Hope that's ok.....
if not, go ahead and take a quick peek at the bottom of my post to see the name of the winner.
Then just please make sure you come back here.
OK?  Go ahead, I would ..........

So now, ready? Let's define bliss......

What is the dictionary's definition of bliss?
Not surprisingly it is a noun and is defined as:
supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment
So, I guess it would be correct to say:
bliss is a feeling or state of being. 
I think of it as a big sigh deep down inside of me.

What does the Bible say about bliss?
My Bible's concordance doesn't have the word bliss listed.
That surprises me -  I think of the phrase "heavenly bliss".
Nope, guess that's not a biblical phrase. Silly me.
Looking through the concordance further,
I found there were many listings for verses that contain
the words - happiness, joy & contentment.
There are so many that it makes me think it's
important and something the Lord desires for us.
Now that's a blissful thought isn't it?!

What did your comments tell me about bliss?
Bliss for you  has a lot to do with the desires of your heart,
family, love, Jesus and a little bit of chocolate.
I loved reading each comment. Impressive acronyms ladies!

What is my idea of  bliss
I guess it's pretty much the joy and contentment I feel
by spending time with family, knowing I am loved,
resting in God's faithfulness and grace,
accomplishing a task and a job well done
(and that would be the planner/ list maker in me)
and of course a little bit of chocolate and some laughter.

So, friend, thank you for stopping by.
And now to announce the winner of my very first giveaway........

and the winner is...... JoAnn!  Congratulations! 
I'll be mailing out your beautiful BLISS tote later today. 


  1. Hi Debbie. Just stopping by. I LOVE your definition of BLISS and would say, I agree too. If I really thought about it, I think I would come up with the same ideas as you - joy, contentment, family, knowing I am loved by God. Love it!

  2. Thanks for your visit! I'm now a follower of your blog. Stop by as often as you are able too.

    Have a wonderful weekend!



Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to visit anytime - you're always welcome here.