Hey there friend!
Just a thought here -
Do you know what God's favorite day of the week is?
I think I do.
Not that God has actually told me what His favorite day of the week is. But, just maybe I've figured it out.
It's Sunday!
Yea, you probably thought that's what I'd say. You know with Sunday being the Lord's day, the day as Christians we attend chuch, etc.
But, can you guess why I think it's Sunday?
Well, one Sunday morning while sitting in church I got to thinking about how God must just love Sundays. {I'm sure this was not during the sermon. Must have been during the announcements}
And the more I thought about it, I realized He must love the whole day.
The way I'm seeing it is -
that it isn't just during my 11 am to noon EST in the USA time frame.
No, I'm thinking as in the whole one-time-around-the-sun type of day. Like in all time zones.
Remember when on January 1, 2000 we were all waiting to see what was gonna happen?
We watched as people celebrated one minute after midnight. As one country after another celebrated the New Year. All around the globe - one after another and from one time zone onto the next.
So, I think that's how Sundays are for God.
One church, one city, one country, one continent and one time zone after another.
I'm not talking about the magnificent fireworks we watched on 01/01/2000.
No, it's the praise we offer to God in song and worship each Sunday.
Think of it friend -
~ voices in any and all languages
~ all styles of song - contemporary, hymns, gospel, choruses
~ with music - piano, organ, guitars, drums, harp, bongos
~ or without any musical accompaniment
~ while sitting, standing, kneeling
~ people clapping, not moving, swaying, dancing, raising hands
It's all for Him and to Him.
Better than any fireworks display this world has to offer. Don't you agree?
So friend what do you think? Do I have it figured out?
Since today is Sunday, and even if you went to church already today, how about we each take a few moments to offer Him praise. Right there at your computer. Right now. He loves it so when we do.
Thanking you for stopping by today friend.
And lifting praises to Jesus right along with you.
"Make a joyful noise unto God, all the earth;
Sing forth the honor and glory of His name;
make His praise glorious!"
Psalm 66:1
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