Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Hello again!

Hey there friends!

Hope all is well. Ummmm…… it's been quite awhile since I've stopped in.  Are you still there?

I've truly missed writing and sharing life with you. I'm praying for a fresh vision for my place here.... nothing drastic. Still love my layout. It still feels like home.

It's been almost a year since I last stopped in. The windows need to be opened wide to let some fresh air in. And hopefully some fresh inspiration to write.

I'm dusting off things and clearing out the cobwebs here at Finding Hope & Joy.

I've got to get back to this place of processing life {writing has a way of doing that for me}, the joy of sharing what the Lord is doing in my life and hopefully encouraging you along the way.

So "Hello again". Looking forward to meeting again real soon!

Love ya!

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Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to visit anytime - you're always welcome here.