Monday, September 21, 2015

Happy Monday Morning ~ Surf the Waves

Hi friend!!!

Happy Monday Morning! 

Surfer girls photo found on Photobucket
"I will not let the waves of life just roll over me.
I will learn to ride them."
~ Sarah Mae

Yep! That is the brave way I want to live my life. 
And nope, I've never surfed. But, I bet it would be fun.
{maybe I should add it to my bucket list}
Even though I've never attempted to surf, I know it must take lots and lots of practice. Add to that some fearlessness. And I would think that a good sense of balance would be a plus.
I imagine catching a wave and riding it to shore would be scary, exciting and exhilarating all wrapped up in one awesome and wild ride. Unless you wipe out and than it's just scary.
Now I may have never tried surfing, but I've been to the Jersey shore plenty of times and know that the ocean is powerful. The scary part is that the ocean's waves don't only roll over you, but can toss you around, knock you down and even drag you under the surface.

{and just erased it off my bucket list}

Wisdom for facing the ocean's waves -
~ Be prepared and know your swimming ability, as well as, how deep the water is.
~ Watch out or one you didn't even see coming will knock you from behind. You'll find yourself on your bum and spitting out salt water.
~ Keep an eye on the shore line or you will unknowingly be moved down the beach by the tide and motion of the water.
~ Playing in the surf is much more fun (and safer) with friends.

Wisdom concerning the waves of life - 
~ Be prepared and know the promises God gives us in His word. Remember His ability to rescue and save is unlimited.
~ You might not even see it coming. You'll find yourself on your knees and sputtering a prayer for help.
~ Keep an eye on your faith or little by little you can find that you've moved away from your convictions and what grounds you.
~ Life is so much harder if you try to do it all alone.

So friend, I think when attempting to not get rolled over by waves - in the ocean or in life- it comes down to these three things: focus, determination and attitude.

For me this means that -

My focus is on Jesus.

I'm determined to finish well.

My attitude is never quit.

So when the waves of life come I can hang on and ride them. No rolling over this girl.

Cowabunga friend!

Love ya,

Friday, September 18, 2015

Five Minute Friday Fun: Celebrate

Hi friend!

What day is it?
It's Friday!

And what does that mean?
It's time to party and have us some 5 Minute Friday fun! 

The party is at Kate's place in blog land.
It's a linky party/blogger flash mob/free writing exercise.
Whatever you want to call it, I say it's just plain fun - blog land style.

Everyone spends five minutes writing on the same topic. If they have a blog, they link up to Kate's post.

No blog? No problem! Just leave your five minutes of writing in the comments section.

The truly great part is that you write with freedom. There's no emphasis on grammar or spelling. Punctuation is also worry free {yay! 'cause I love me a bunch of commas when I write}. Pretty much the only "rule" is that you visit the blog of the person who linked up before you and leave some encouragement. 

 ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
and GO!


Celebrate .... YOU

Yes, that's right celebrate all that you are and all that you hope to be.

Does that sound strange? and really hard to do? and maybe crazy? (hopefully not dumb)

I think we should take some time every now and then to celebrate ourselves.

We are each a one of a kind creation made in the image of God. 

We are each wonderfully made!

We, as women, spend so much time thinking of and taking care of others that we get lost.

We cheer hubby.
We cheer the kiddos.
We cheer friends.

And that's all great and good.

Just don't forget to cheer for yourself.

You, dear friend, are special and unique. You are dearly loved by God.
You have a purpose in this world that you and only you can fill.
And it's a God given purpose.  

Never forget it. Don't doubt it. And be sure to celebrate it.

Celebrate you!

and STOP!

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
"and I praise You
because of the wonderful way You created me.
Everything You do is marvelous!
Of this I have no doubt."
Psalm 139:14

Love ya,