Monday, June 23, 2014

Happy Monday Morning ~ Singing in Sunshine

Hi friend!!!

Happy Monday Morning! 

This morning as I stepped out on my back porch the sun was just coming up. Not even over the tree tops yet. But, I could hear the birds already singing their welcome to this brand new day. A new day - filled with hope and anticipation.

photo found on Photobucket

"Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, 
casts the shadow of our burden behind us."
~ Samuel Smiles

I loved this quote from the first time I read it and can see such truth in it. However, I think it's truth depends on what we put our hope in.

Life? Fate? The stars?  Oh please. No way.
Our spouse? Our friends? Others will always disappoint at some point. {shoot, sometimes I disappoint myself}

So than, what or who?

For me it has to be Jesus.

He is my hope. 

And when I look at (put my hope in) Him -
than His glory, greatness and wonderful promises for my life 
cast the shadows of my problems, fears and yuck {such a spiritual word} behind me. 

If they're behind me, I don't even see them. I'm free from their pain and pressure.

So as each new day dawns I put my hope in Him and I'm free to sing.

Sing His praises as I look forward to a new day with joy and anticipation.

"Because you are my helper, 
I sing for joy in the shadow of your wings."
Psalm 63:7

Sing with hope. Sing for joy. And Happy Monday Morning dear friend.

* today I've linked up with Barbie at  "My Freshly Brewed Life" for some Weekend Brew {yes, I know the weekend is over... but, not really for me since I have Mondays off}

Love ya, 


  1. So good Debbie! He alone is my hope. Thank you for sharing at The Weekend Brew!

    1. Hi Barbie! Thanks for stopping by. Hope you have a blessed week.

  2. beautifully said and so well written, thank you for sharing that with us.


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