Saturday, August 10, 2013

Saying Yes When.......

Hey there friend!  Happy Saturday to you!

Today ends the first week of the online Bible study (OBS). What a wonderful week it's been!

I've learned sooooo much.  

And let me tell you - it's all been amazing!!!

What Happens When Women Say Yes To God

I don't know if every week during this OBS I'll be able to write a little something to share and kinda sum up my week. I'd like to, but we'll see.

Today I really feel the need to share. So, I'm saying yes.

I figure either I need to get my thoughts written down or perhaps you can be encouraged.

This week the biggest impact from Chapter One was learning to be aware and ready each day for those moments when God was asking me to say yes.

Saying yes when ..... it's a "yes".
When I first read about Proverbs 31 Ministries' next online Bible study I thought it looked great. However, I had already let a book and workbook from Christmas lay by the wayside after the first couple of chapters. Would I stick with this one?

"Oh Lord, should I sign-up and try this one or restart the other one?"

I'm so thankful that I said yes and signed up for this particular OBS. And I'm convinced, after just one chapter, that I wouldn't be getting as much out of it if I had put it off and just read the book on my own.

Saying yes when ..... it's a "no".
There are two dreams of mine that I haven't wanted to give totally to God. I mean He might tell me no. I haven't been ready to listen if He did. {just keeping it real here my friend}

One is being a "real" blogger. You see, I started to blog about 14 months after my son went to live in heaven with Jesus. I thought I had a story to tell. I figured at the least I could encourage others with examples of God's faithfulness to me. Not to mention my own wit and casual style. Ahem. Yet, I love my little place here in bloggy land. And if only a few people are ever encouraged or blessed by my sharing than that's great and praise God. But, does it take up too much of my time? {hubby would probably say yes} What would God say?

The second thing is what I've labeled my "God-sized dream". It's called Miss Maribel's Place. MMP is my etsy shop where I'll sell quilts, totes, pillows and wall hangings. Once it's up and running, I'll use some of my profits to help families who are adopting. Well, I've discovered it needs to be more than a hobby to be successful. There are like a gazillion shops on etsy! There's a lot more to it than making a few things, taking a picture and posting it in my shop.

Maybe I'm being stubborn, but I don't want to let either one of these dreams die. And I haven't really wanted to know what God thinks about my dreams becoming a reality or if they're a part of His plan for my life. {that whole He may say "no" thing}

Today as I drove to work I spoke to God about both these things. I realized I'm ready. I need want to say yes to Him in all areas of my life - including two special dreams.

"Lord, I don't know for sure what your will is for my little place in bloggy land. And I'm having doubts about my cute little esty shop ever opening. So God, if your will is a "no" to one or both of these, than my answer is yes."

Deep breath and a little sigh. It feels so great to finally leave these things in His hands.

Saying yes when .....  it's "???".
On Tuesday hubby went to the doctor for a follow-up appointment. The doctor took blood work and ordered a few tests. The reason being that blood in the urine, even a small amount, could mean cancer.

My brother just had a kidney removed due to cancer. My uncle is fighting liver cancer that was very recently discovered. My puppy, Lacey, just had two mast cell (cancer) tumors removed about two weeks ago.

No more cancer!! No. More.

My hubby told me his news when I phoned him on my lunch hour. It brought tears to my eyes and a knot in my stomach.

 "Dear Lord. Please help us. We don't know what we'll face. But, no matter what, we need You to walk beside us down this road. Perhaps it will be a "dead end" and all will be well. If it is to be a journey of fighting cancer...  then please, dear God, be near every step of the way. I pray it is not cancer, Lord. But Lord, know that right here and right now I say yes to whatever You have planned for us. I say yes to You Lord and will not turn back. I know you are forever faithful and love us."

I don't know if I could have prayed that prayer before starting this study. Leaning on the Lord  - yes. Asking for His help - yes. Taking a firm stand right at the beginning of  this journey where ever it leads - no.

So we wait.

Again I'll say - it's been a pretty amazing week!

I can't wait to start on next week's reading and see what the Lord will speak to my heart and teach me.

Living life, as a Yes Girl, for Him!

Loving you friend,

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