Sunday, March 10, 2013


Hey there friend!

So what do you think of my new blog design?

I absolutely LOVE it!!

It actually feels more like I've moved to a different place than just having had a bit of redecorating done. Everything is so new and pretty. I've moved a few things around, threw out this or that and am still deciding on a few other aspects of my little place here in bloggy land.

It's pretty much starting to feel like home again.Yay!

What happens here at "Finding Hope & Joy" is still going to be the same. It's a place where I want to share life to encourage you friend. And when you leave comments it encourages me. {hint hint}

Life can be hard and it's better to do it with friends. Don't you agree?

Something else that's fairly new here at FH&J is you can now follow my blog by signing up for new posts to be delivered right to your email. See that little box on the right side that says "Subscribe Via Email"? If you'd like to, why don't you sign up now?

Also, there are tabs to link to my other blog place - Miss Maribel's Place and etsy shop news.

Well, thanks for stopping by and taking a look around.

Love ya friend!

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