Friday, December 11, 2015

Five Minute Friday Fun: Reflect

Hi friend!

What day is it?
It's Friday!

And what does that mean?
It's time to party and have us some 5 Minute Friday fun! 

The party is at Kate's place in blog land. It's a linky party / blogger flash mob / free writing exercise. Whatever you want to call it, I say it's just plain fun - blog land style.

 ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
and GO!


I'm sitting here wondering what I want my life's story to reflect.

And hands down, every time, in all my ways - I want to be a light for Jesus.

As a child I remember singing a sweet little song in Sunday school while I ate my animal crackers and drank apple juice from a little paper cup {funny how some memories stick with you} that went something like:

"A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.
A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
I'll be a sunbeam for Him."

I haven't eaten animal crackers in many years and for some reason apple juice gives me a stomach ache.

But, the meaning of that Sunday School song still rings true in my spirit. As an adult it's become an often whispered prayer:

Dear Jesus,

Help me each day to reflect your love and grace to every person I come in contact with.

May I have an attitude that honors you.
Help me to see others as you see them.
And help me, Lord, to reflect your love to them.

As I read my Bible each morning and am reminded of your love, grace, mercy and faithfulness help me to reflect those things through out my day.... to the unloved, the lonely, the hopeless, the misunderstood and the hurting.

I want my words to speak truth and life. Help me to encourage others.

I want to reflect Jesus ... to be like a mirror reflecting His love and grace to those around me.

I want to be a sunbeam for Him.

and STOP!

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

So friend. What do you want your life's story to reflect?

{* Five Minute Friday Fun disclaimer- this took longer than five minutes, but was still fun and written on Friday night. I'd say that two out of three is not so bad.}

Love ya,