Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Good Stuff

Hi there friend!

I'm in a fun and lighthearted mood today. Enjoying the weekend and beautiful weather. Hope you are having a good weekend as well.

Recently, I had an A-ha! moment that I've been wanting to share with you. And since I'm in this great mood, I've been able to relate it to yummy sweet stuff. Or maybe it's because I just ate a dark chocolate candy bar.

Yep! The whole thing.
All by myself. {Don't judge.... makes Jesus sad when we judge others.}

So, moving right along here......

My wise words to you today are -
 "Don't overlook the good stuff by skipping to the dessert."

photo by Abbey_SarahDouglass via photobucket


Pop quiz -  
What is the first thing you turn to on a restaurant's menu?

Nine times out of ten I turn right to the dessert menu. And I've done this for as long as I can remember. I bet before I could even read I'd look at the menu's pictures of ice cream sundaes, cupcakes and pies.

Well, my recent A-ha! moment didn't come in a restaurant while drooling over looking at the dessert menu. It came while reading a Bible verse someone shared on Facebook.

"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. 
They are plans for good and not for evil, 
to give you a future and a hope." 
Jeremiah 29:11(TLB)

I love this verse. I've read it like a million times. It's very encouraging and filled with hope and God's love for me. 

However, as I read it this time, I realized I had pretty much skipped over the first sentence.
Once again I went right to the yummy stuff - "dessert". Yay!
As in the the yummy goodness of things to prosper me, give a future and a hope.  
And the promise of no bad stuff - "vegetables". 
No yucky bad things to harm or evil to overcome me. 

But, then I reread that first sentence - the main menu so to speak.  
That was the truly nourishing part to my spirit. The meat and potatoes portion.

You see friend, there's a situation with some dear ones in our life that we're praying for the Lord to reveal His will and plan. I had been praying for Him to figure out a plan to help them out. I wanted to know what He was going to decide would be the best plan to prosper, bring hope, and bless their future with good. 

But then there was the A-ha!
Followed by a Wait just a minute here!

And a little light bulb went off over my head - God already has a plan. 

He's not trying to figure one out.
He already knows.

He's not waiting to see what happens next week.
The plan is already done.

And He doesn't have to decide on the best scenario.
Nope, He already knows any possible scenario and has it all planned out.

He's not worried about the deadlines.
He has the plan ready to meet any deadline that is coming up. 

And guess what?!  I went from A-ha! to Ahhhhhh!
I just relaxed, smiled and was filled with peace.
No need for trying to figure out what God's plan is.
No worrying He won't have it all in place and ready on time.

Because  God already has a plan.

So now whenever I read this verse, I'll read the whole thing and not skip the good stuff to get to the dessert. 

Photo by ~ Hubby /  Wall hanging by ~ me

Relaxing, eating chocolate and enjoying life here in sunny Florida .... knowing He has His plan set and ready. 

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

I love linky parties in bloggy land!

Today I'm linking up over at   
My Freshly Brewed Life 
for The Weekend Brew

Love ya,

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

On The Hard Days Remember - You Matter {Coffee For Your Heart}

Hey there friend!

I realize that when you're having a hard day you might not care about having your life tell a great story. Maybe you just want to get home, lock the door, (hopefully) feed the dog, eat ice cream for dinner and go to bed.

Well, like it or not, our lives do tell our story. Even on the bad days.

So go ahead - go home and eat a whole carton of moose tracks ice cream for dinner. {I mean if that's your thing after a really bad day - go for it.}

But, don't give up.

You see friend - you matter.
{Did you see there that I bolded, italicized and underlined those two words? Just wanted to make sure you don't miss them.}

And your life's story matters. So don't you quit.

I believe that even on the hard days you can touch someone else's life. Yes, you can make a difference.

Maybe all you've got to give is a knowing and compassionate smile for that young mom. The one with two kids and a crying baby who was in line behind you when you stopped on your way home to buy that carton of ice cream. She needed a smile. Everyone else seemed to be looking at her with a frown and questioning eyes that ask why her kids are misbehaving. And can't she make the baby stop that screaming?! Did you know that your kind and uncondemning smile helped ease some of her tension and helped her not feel so alone?

You matter.

And what about the elderly neighbor who met you at the mailbox when you finally got home. You really didn't want to bother with anyone. But, you took a moment to listen. To tell him you'd be praying for him. It was just a moment in your hard day {as your ice cream was beginning to melt}. But, it meant the world to him.

You matter. 

Are you seeing it now?
Even in the small and seemingly inconsequential moments of your day you touch others around you in a way only you can do.

And it matters. It's a beautiful part of your story. Yes, beauty even on those hard days.

So friend, at the end of your hard day know......
..... that you lived it well.
..... you didn't quit.
..... your life's story is going to be great.

And never, ever forget that you matter.

 ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

* I'm linking up with Holley Gerth's  Coffee for Your Heart  link-up series on Wednesdays

* Today's prompt is -  
What are the encouraging words 
you want to hear when 
you're having a bad day?

Love ya, 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Happy Monday Morning! ~ God's Love

Hi friend!!!

Happy Monday Morning!

Edmond Fireworks photo by Dusty Evan {}

"God’s love is meteoric,
    His loyalty astronomic,
His purpose titanic,
    His verdicts oceanic.
Yet in His largeness
    nothing gets lost;
Not a man, not a mouse,
    slips through the cracks."

Oh how I love this version of Psalm 36:5 from The Message.

So here ya go friend! Some fireworks to start your week. 

Get up and get a going - 
because with a love like this I know you can face the day {even if it is another Monday}.

Love ya,