Friday, January 18, 2019

Five Minute Friday Fun: INFLUENCE

Hi friend!

What day is it?
It's Friday!

And what does that mean?
It's time to party and have us some 5 Minute Friday fun! 

The party is hosted by Kate. It's a linky party  or blogger flash mob or  free writing exercise. Whatever you want to call it, I say it's just plain fun - blog land style.

Everyone spends five minutes writing using the same one word prompt for that week. If they have a blog, they link up to the others over at Kate's place.

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This week's word prompt is: INFLUENCE

and GO!

When my Kyle was about middle school age he took Karate classes for a year or so. His instructor, Buddy,  was a great guy who had a saying he'd tell the students every now and then.

Buddy would say, in a thick southern drawl, "If you hang around a barber shop long enough you're gonna get a haircut." You see, he tried to teach more than just karate. 

He wanted them to know that who you hang out with and where you hang out can have an influence on what you do. 

And he was so right. 

When I am around people that are critical or complain a lot I may find myself with the same mindset of finding fault. However, if I am with people who are joyful and optimistic it will rub off on me and it makes my heart happy.

Just two days ago, during my morning devotions, I read my Bible verse of the day:
"So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide (influence) your lives. Then you won't be doing what your sinful nature craves." Galatians 5:16 {Parenthesis mine}

And then in my devotional for that day there was this verse:
 "... but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace."  Romans 8:6b

So, no, I don't tend to hang around the "barber shop". 
But, I do still need to be careful about what and who I allow to influence me. 

and STOP!

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Whew! It is so hard to write for only five minutes. lol
I'll keep trying though.  I do love the challenge.

Love ya, 

Friday, January 11, 2019

Five Minute Friday Fun: BETTER

Hi friend!

What day is it?
It's Friday!

And what does that mean?
It's time to party and have us some 5 Minute Friday fun! 

The party is hosted by Kate. It's a linky party  or blogger flash mob or  free writing exercise. Whatever you want to call it, I say it's just plain fun - blog land style.

Everyone spends five minutes writing using the same one word prompt for that week. If they have a blog, they link up to the others over at Kate's place.

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This week's word prompt is: BETTER

and GO!

How many times have I heard someone comment at the end of a year that they "sure hope this next year is better"

I'm not sure why, but it makes me cringe and kinda sad. 

Why do we do that? Was the whole year, all 365 days, so terrible? 
Now,  I understand there are some seasons we go through that are so very hard and of course we would want something better in our future.

But a whole year? 

Were there no blessings?
No precious memories made? 

And yet as I type these words and ponder this I can't help but think maybe we should hope the next year is better. 

That we are better. 

I don't mean it being out of regret for the past year's failures, heartbreak or disappointment. 

But that this year I am better at remembering God's promises when the hard things happen. That I remember I am held by Him and He is forever faithful. 

I want to be better at living intentionally and savoring each day as it comes. 

And then at the end of the year I may just be one of those people that say "I sure hope next year is better." 

And what I'll mean is that....
 …. I will be more apt to rejoice than complain.
…. see the joy instead of the disappointment
…. be thankful for this beautiful life the Lord has given me to live. 

I will live each day better. 

and STOP!

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Whew! It's been over a year since I joined in the fun at FMF. It's been nearly as long since I've blogged. It's not my best for sure and I may have tweaked it just a slight bit. [I promise to work on that perfectionist habit of mine} But it was fun! 

Love ya,