Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Doing a Little Happy Dance

Hey there friend!!

Who's doing a little happy dance??

This gal right here!

So wanna guess why? Sure you do.

Hint: something is new on my sidebar

No, not that... Silly! I still believe!

Nooooo... I haven't had another birthday. I'm still Ahem "50-something".

Guess again! Go ahead guess! {jumping up and down now}

Nope..... still been married 40 years to my wonderful hubby. Although in one week I will have to change that to 41 years. Yay!

                                      Keep looking... 

Oh I can't stand it! Tell me you see it!

Yep! I'm a contributor to the Five Minute Friday book
that just launched yesterday.

Want your own copy? Grab your copy here!

All profits from the book will be divided equally between two ministries in South Africa: The Vine School in Cape Town, and The Ten Dollar Tribe!

HUGE Thank You to Susan Shipe who came up with this great idea and worked so hard to make the dream come true.

And another BIG Thank You to Kate Motaung who hosts our Five Minute Friday Fun Nights each week in bloggy land.

I ordered my book tonight and can't wait to get it in my happy little hands.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Five Minute Friday Fun: Listen

Hi friend!

What day is it?
It's Friday!

And what does that mean?
It's time to party and have us some 5 Minute Friday fun! 

The party is at Kate's place in blog land. It's a linky party / blogger flash mob / free writing exercise. Whatever you want to call it, I say it's just plain fun - blog land style.

Everyone spends five minutes writing on the same topic. The truly fun part is that you write with freedom. There's no emphasis on grammar or spelling. Punctuation is also worry free {yay! 'cause I love me a bunch of commas when I write}. Pretty much the only "rule" is that you visit the blog of the person who linked up before you and leave some encouragement. 

 ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
and GO!


How does she do it?
How does she hear when I don't say the words?
How does she just know that there's something "up with me" as she puts it?

I guess it must be because she knows me in a way no other person on this earth does. Our hearts beat together for 9 months or so {not sure when a baby's heart starts to beat and hey I only have five minutes to write this out so no time to look it up} before I even came into this world.

Moms have a way of "hearing" their children even when there are no words said.

And that's the thing that is so amazing to me - she somehow just seems to know.

I've come to the conclusion that it must be because she doesn't just listen with her ears.

She listens with her heart.

And she knows....
... when I'm stressed
... when I'm sad
... when I've had a great day
... when I'm thoughtful or pensive
... when I'm content.

And when I'm finally ready to share? That's when she listens with her ears.

Then it's my turn to listen.

And she speaks....
... hope and love 
... of faith in the great and good God we both love
... encouragement and wisdom
... joy and more love.

And today I'm thankful for a mom who not only listens with her ears, but also her heart.

and STOP!

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Love ya, 

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Five Minute Friday Fun: PATH

Hey there friend!

It's been a while since I've been here. After taking the summer off and hitting the Pause Button I'm ready to start back visiting with you here at my place in bloggy land.

I truly hope you'll stop by often.

Especially since I have some very exciting news to share in the next few weeks.

But for now I'm linking up with the Five Minute Friday gang. Thankfully they won't mind me being a day late (again).

 ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
and GO!


Recently I've begun using Bible verses and praying them. Usually out loud.
Psalm 25:4-5 is one of my favorite verses and a great one to pray.

Oh how I want the Lord to lead me down the path He desires for me.

The path He chooses for me is a path of ...
... joy,
... hope,
... safety,
... contentment,
... and peace.

It is a good path.

It may be a bit rocky at times. 
I might even stub my toe on a big old rock.
But, I know He holds my hand and won't let me slip.

It may get pretty steep.
Sometimes things in life can be hard and I become weary.
But, I know He will lead me to places of peace and safety.

It may be hard to see where I'm going.
Not knowing where to take that next step can be pretty scary.
But, I know He already knows the way and has a perfect plan for me.

It's where I want to be. Following His leading, wherever He leads. 
And that's the right path.

and STOP!

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

I'm so thankful that God has a plan for each of our lives. Go ahead and pray Psalm 25:4-5 for yourself. Then put your trust and hope in Him. His ways are always best.

 Love ya,