Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hey Sweet Friend {Coffee For Your Heart}

Hi friend!

Do you ever feel alone? Even in the middle of a group of people?
Yea, me too. I think we all do at some point.

Sometimes it's brought on by actual circumstances in our life. Sometimes we isolate ourselves for whatever reason.

There are a few ladies in my life who need some encouragement and need to be told:   

So why don't you get comfy and go grab a cup of coffee or mug of hot chocolate or tea cup with your favorite tea. I'm thinking something warm today because most of the country is having some really cold weather. Brrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Ok, all set then? Let's chat.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"The most terrible poverty is loneliness, 
and the feeling of being unloved." 
~ Mother Teresa

photo by johnso2014 found on photobucket

Hey sweet friend....yea you.
The one feeling like you're drowning in responsibilities with no idea how you can keep it up for much longer. I know you're feeling so alone, and unsure, and totally overwhelmed. Please take the help that's offered to you. There are many who care and want to help. They won't think less of you for needing help.

You are not alone. And I pray that you will feel Jesus beside you. That you will experience His peace that passes all understanding.

"When you go through deep waters and great trouble, 
I will be with you. 
When you go through rivers of difficulty, 
you will not drown! 
When you walk through the fire of oppression, 
you will not be burned up—the flames will not consume you."
Isaiah 43:2 (TLB)

Hey sweet friend.... I see you, too.
You didn't plan on raising the kiddos alone. The move to the new house was a step closer to what you believed was your happily ever after. But, then the lies, the hurt and tears. And now you are left alone in your dream house with dreams that have been smashed.  But, I've also seen how strong and passionate you are. And oh my, such a fighter for what you believe is right.

You are not alone. I'm praying that you will be given strength and wisdom. I pray you will have courage and not become bitter.

"But those who trust the Lord
    will find new strength.
They will be strong like eagles
    soaring upward on wings;
they will walk and run
    without getting tired."
Isaiah 40:31

Hey sweet friend.... my heart breaks for you.
I understand your pain. It hurts soooo bad to lose someone you love soooo much. And now sometimes the loneliness from missing them is so great. It doesn't feel right or real. Nights are the hardest when no one else is there and you're home alone.

You are not alone. God is close. He sees your tears and knows your pain.

"He heals the brokenhearted 
and binds up their wounds 
[curing their pains and their sorrows]."
Psalm 147:3 (AMP)

Hey sweet friend.... I haven't forgotten you.
You are such a remarkable woman. You are full of grace and compassion. You pour your heart and soul into your family's lives. You are always telling others that Jesus loves them. But, it can be lonely always being the leader, the strong one, the encourager and cheerleader. Sometimes you just want someone to encourage you. To tell you it will be all right. I know that your faith is strong and you already know it. It's just that it would be nice to have someone take your hand, look you in the eyes and say it.

You are not alone. It will be ok. God has a purpose and a plan. And it's a great plan. He is pleased with you, His dear and beloved daughter.

"Do not be afraid—I am with you!
    I am your God—let nothing terrify you!
I will make you strong and help you;
    I will protect you and save you."
Isaiah 41:10 

Hey sweet friend.... yea, you right there reading this.
Maybe your circumstances are different than those I just shared. Or maybe you can relate to one of them. Either way, I know there are times when you feel alone - left out, abandoned, not understood. I've been there, too.

Hey sweet friend - YOU. Are not. Alone.

I cannot solve your problems or heal your heart, but I know the One who can.
And I'd be honored to pray for you.

I'd love for you to leave me a comment.
Or, if you'd prefer, an email at

"You find families for those who are lonely." 
 Psalm 68:6

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
One last thing - last week, as I was thinking on what to share today and how to encourage you, I read a post over at (in)courage and when I was done I just knew I had to share the links with you.  It's just one more way for you to connect with others, be encouraged and maybe not feel so alone. If you haven't heard of (in)courage you're missing out. It's a wonderful online community of women who love to encourage, help and minister to other women.

Hey sweet friend -
could you do me a favor
and take a minute to check it out?

Just click on the graphic right there on the left.

If you want to get connected to some great ladies with similar interests, hurts or challenges click HERE for information on their Community Groups. (This is the blog post I read last week.)

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

* I'm linking up with Holley Gerth's  Coffee for Your Heart  link-up series on Wednesdays

* Today's prompt is - You are not alone 
Click HERE to see what the other wonderful ladies, 
with hearts full of love and a cup of coffee in hand, 
have to say to encourage you today.

Love ya, 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

My One Word for 2014 ~ Balance

Hey there friend!

These past few years I never seem to know what One Word I'll choose, or maybe more accurately, will choose me until sometime in December. However, I was beginning to think I'd just skip this little bloggy land tradition in 2014. You see this year it wasn't until January 1st that I knew.

I had been considering and praying about a few words, but none seemed to fit.

~ Focus was the first word I considered. But no, I get too focused sometimes and neglect all else. Just ask hubby how many times I've focused on my quilting and 30 minutes before our normal dinner time ask him if he'd mind cooking. Which translated means "please go get Publix subs or something from McDonald's".

~ Create was another word considered. Ummmm  noooo, probably not a good idea. You know - because of that whole over focusing thing when I get to creating quilts and pillows and totes. Oh my!

~ Dream was very briefly considered. However, I'm a planner and a list-checker-offer. Definitely not much of a dreamer.

And then on January 1st it all made perfect sense. Whooo Hooo!  I get so excited when my word finds me.

My One Word 2014 is BALANCE

photo by 123_SMILE__ (

A situation in which 
different aspects or features 
are treated equally 
or exist in the correct relationship 
to each other.

That's the perfect definition to go along with what I was thinking balance should mean in my life this year. Also, something I think is interesting is that my One Word can be used as a noun or a verb. I want there to be balance {noun} in my life by balancing {verb} my time and priorities. Pretty cool!

What happened on 01/01/14 that caused me to know this was the word for me?

Well, it was a day filled with ....
..... quite time with Jesus.
When I neglect this my days don't seem right. Like kinda out of balance. And it happens more often than I'd like to admit. But I'm working on it.  
..... family. 
Hubby and I had a relaxing morning together. And we had mom over for dinner.
..... friends. 
A dear friend I hadn't seen in a few years stopped by. So nice to catch up and reminisce.
..... creating. 
I spent just a little bit of time finishing up a small quilting project.
..... organizing. 
I love when things are cleaned and organized. The mess on the desk was my project and I conquered the mess. 
..... planning. 
It was the second week in a row I had off work on a Wednesday. It felt good to plan out the rest of my odd week. {unless you are a true planner and list-checker-offer you will not understand}

It was such a wonderful day! Balanced in every way. I mean there was even a great cup of flavored mocha & caramel coffee in the morning and in the evening some ice cream cake after dinner.

Yep!  I'd say that's totally balanced. 

Love ya,

Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy Monday Morning! ~ Overwhelmed

Hi friend!!!

Happy Monday Morning!
Photo by ~ Sandcastle in the Sun, FL

"When who Jesus is overwhelms you - 
nothing that happens can overcome you." 
~ Ann Voskamp

I can just imagine standing there in the Gulf of Mexico as the sun sets. 
Wow! How glorious to see God's handiwork. 

It looks like the person in this picture is right smack in the middle of it all. I wonder what they're thinking.

Are they overwhelmed by the beauty?  
I know I would be.

And it's reassuring at the same time.
To think that the God, who can create such beauty, can certainly create whatever it is I may need today - peace, confidence, joy, wisdom, strength, hope, to feel loved......

Be blessed with this thought dear friend - Jesus is only a whispered prayer away
Let His love for you overwhelm you today. 
Love ya, 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Where's the Love? {Coffee For Your Heart}

Hi there friend!

Since today's serving of Coffee For Your Heart is kind of late in the day let's make it lite, sweet and decaf.  OK?

So I was wondering.... have you ever had one of those day's when you get to a point that you just stop and say - "Where's the love?!"

I'm talking about the kind of day where it seems everyone is upset, grumpy or angry with you.

It could go something like this......

First there's the hubby - no lovin' coming from the man this morning. He woke up late and now will be late to work. And he almost forgets to kiss me goodbye before he rushes out the door. Somehow I get the feeling he'd like to blame me for his running late.

Oh and those darling kids - Kiddo #1 can't understand why I won't let him stay home from school so he can beat whatever the video game of the week is. He's an intense and competitive one he is. Kiddo #2 is upset that he has to wear wet sneakers to school. Why didn't I dry them? Well, I didn't know he had played in a puddle last night after dinner. I swear that one has radar that directs him straight to dirt and puddles within a 5 mile radius.

Next up is the dog - there he is, tail between his legs and covered in mud. Guess he found the puddle that Kiddo #2 had found last night. No lovin' from my sweet pup. Not that I want any loving from a mud covered, wet and smelly dog. But, really! Does he have to growl and run when he sees me getting the towel and doggie shampoo ready for a bath?

Let's not have the cat feel left out on this oh so wonderful day - she's hiding under the bed and shows no love - just her claws. So she can stay under there all day for all I care.

And, oh yes, let's not forget the fish.... well, actually that's the problem - I've forgotten to feed him the last three nights. I could have sworn I saw him doing the backstroke as I walked by the fish bowl last night. Fish do the backstroke... don't they?

At this point I'm like "Whatever people! Where's the love?!"

Can anyone relate to my little story?
Oh yea! I bet you can!

But, let's stop right there. We're gonna take a quick turn here. No, we're not gonna head down the pity party road.

I actually really do want to encourage you, sweet friend.

And so I was wondering something else......

Did you know that there is One who always loves you? No matter what. And you can't do anything more to make Him love you more. And You can't do anything less to make Him love you less. 

Paul wrote a prayer in closing his letter to his friends in Ephesus And it's my prayer for you. As I type it I'm praying it for you.

    "And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts, living within you as you trust in him. 
   May your roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love; and may you be able to feel and understand, as all God’s children should, how long, how wide, how deep, and how high his love really is; and to experience this love for yourselves, though it is so great that you will never see the end of it or fully know or understand it. And so at last you will be filled up with God himself.
   Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.  Amen"

{"I Heart U in the Sand" photo from photobucket}

Amen! See friend! Isn't it wonderful?! 
Oh I get so very excited when I think about how much God loves each of us. 
He loves you more than the number of grains of sand on the beach!
You. Are. Loved!

* I'm linking up with Holley Gerth's  Coffee for Your Heart  link-up series on Wednesdays

* Today's prompt is - You're loved.   
Click HERE to see what the other wonderful ladies, 
with hearts full of love and a cup of coffee in hand, 
have to say to encourage you today.

Love ya,

Friday, January 10, 2014

5 Minute Friday Fun: See

Hi friend!

Happy first Friday of the new year!

What day is it? It's five minute Friday! Well at least in blog land it is.

Every Friday for about four years writers have gathered over at Lisa-Jo's place in blog land for something she calls 5 Minute Friday. It's a linky party / blogger flash mob / free writing exercise. Whatever you want to call it, I say it's just plain fun - blog land style.

Everyone spends five minutes writing on the same topic. If they have a blog, they link up to Lisa-Jo's post on that week's topic. No blog? No problem! Just leave your five minutes of writing in the comments section at Lisa Jo's place.

 ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
and GO!


She said,"You always try to see the best in people."
She didn't mean it as a compliment, but also not as an offense either.
She was stating a fact. An observation about me.

And yea, I guess I do. I don't know why that is.

Some seem to think this is silly. Or dumb. Or makes me weak.

But isn't seeing the best in everyone something Jesus did?

I want to see the best in others. Which means I'm compassionate, have tons of empathy,
and try not to judge others.

I don't like to see.......
..... people being mistreated or made fun of.
..... someone being impatient with an elderly person.
..... someone eating alone when I'm out at a restaruant {even as a kid it bothered me}.
..... someone feeling sad. See someone crying? I may go over and give them a hug and ask if they're ok. And say a prayer with them as well.

This all makes me think of an Amy Grant song - Father's Eyes.

I want to have my Father's eyes and see others the way He sees them.

And I know it's a good thing to be this way.  Jesus made me this way.

and STOP!

Five Minute Friday
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

  Father's Eyes ~ Amy Grant
I may not be every mother's dream for her little girl,
And my face may not grace the mind of everyone in the world.
But that's all right, as long as I can have one wish I pray:
When people look inside my life, I want to hear them say,

She's got her Father's eyes,
Her Father's eyes;
Eyes that find the good in things,
When good is not around;
Eyes that find the source of help,
When help just can't be found;
Eyes full of compassion,
Seeing every pain;
Knowing what you're going through
And feeling it the same.
Just like my Father's eyes,
My Father's eyes,
My Father's eyes,
Just like my Father's eyes.

And on that day when we will pay for all the deeds we have done,
Good and bad they'll all be had to see by everyone.
And when you're called to stand and tell just what you saw in me,
More than anything I know, I want your words to be,

She had her Father's eyes,
Her Father's eyes;
Eyes that found the good in things,
When good was not around;
Eyes that found the source of help,
When help would not be found;
Eyes full of compassion,
Seeing every pain;
Knowing what you're going through,
And feeling it the same.
Just like my Father's eyes,
My Father's eyes,
My Father's eyes,
Just like my Father's eyes.
My Father's eyes,
My Father's eyes,
Just like my Father's eyes.

Love ya,

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Let's Start This Year Different {Coffee For Your Heart}

Hey there friend!

Are you excited about this new year?

I've been hearing people say - " I'm so glad 2013 is over!"
Or "This will be my year."
And "2014 has got to be better than last year."

It's a brand new year with so many possibilities.
We're filled with hope and dreams of a new beginning and a brighter future.

Yep and I'm right there with you.

And yet........
if we stop and think a moment........ this happens every year.

We start it off with hope and dreams of better things {or at least not as bad as previous years}. We make declarations and resolutions. And at the end of the year we're so glad to say "good-bye", "good riddance", and "glad to see you go".

I understand that there is the reality that each year has it's ups and it's downs. It's sadness and it's joy. It's good and it's ugly.

But I wonder, are we in the habit of just remembering the bad and that's why we're so quick to say "out with the old and in with the new"? Hasn't anything good or special happened?

I know there is. I just don't know why, for many of us, the negatives seem to stick in our minds more readily.

Don't we realize that each year day can be greeted with hope?

So friend, as we start this new year let's choose to greet every day with the same hope of a new beginning and unlimited possibilities that we had on January 1st.

We can do this and here's why - God is faithful and loves you.

One of my favorite verses in the whole Bible says -

"Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning." 
Lamentations 3:21-23

Sweet friend, are you grasping just how much God loves you?
He has unending love for YOU!
He is forever faithful.
He begins each day with fresh compassion and mercy towards you.

You can dare to hope! Every. Single. Day.

And if you dare to do this .......

At the end of 2014 I bet you'll be saying -
"I hate to see this year end." 
Or "What a great year!"
And "I don't know how next year could ever be better than this one."

* I'm linking up with Holley Gerth's  Coffee for Your Heart  link-up series on Wednesdays

* Today's prompt is - What encouraging words do you want the people you care about to hear as they begin a new year? Click  HERE to see what the other wonderful ladies, with hearts full of love and a cup of coffee in hand, have to say to encourage you today.

Love ya,

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy Monday Morning! ~ Dear Lord......

Hi friend!!!

Happy Monday Morning!

I'm praying this little prayer today, the first Monday of 2014. What a great way to start the day and 2014! 

Love ya,